A street photographer. A man with nothing special to say. Husband, father, Japanese businessman.
Born in Tokyo in 1973 and currently living in Tokyo. I have lived in Chiba, Yamanashi, and Boston MA, and for the past five years I have been a materials engineer working with a long-distance commute of over five hours round trip. I have been taking pictures for 30 years with compact film cameras and film with lens, but like most people who are not interested in photography, I was taking pictures of friends, family and travel. I started shooting the street about 7 years ago. Aside from photography, I like old Japanese science fiction novels, 90’s HipHop/Downtempo/DnB, contemporary art, and family outings.
1973年東京生まれで、東京在住。これまで千葉・山梨・ボストンに住んできました。5年前から往復5時間以上の長距離通勤をしながら働く材料エンジニアです。写真はコンパクトフィルムカメラ、レンズ付きフィルムで30年前から撮っていますが、あまり写真に興味がない人と同様に友達や家族、旅行の写真を撮っていました。街で写真を撮り始めたのはおよそ7年前です。写真も好きですが、昔の日本のSF小説、90’s HIPHOP・Downtempo・DnB、現代芸術、家族とのお出かけが好きです。
My subjects are everything I see in the world.
I think of photography as an extension of my life, so I don’t have a specific subject in mind, I shoot everything around me. I always have my camera with me, whether I’m at home or outside.
I don’t aim to capture a special scene or moment, or a great composition, so my photos are probably the kind of photos that anyone could have seen or taken.
I want to take pictures where my thoughts and intentions don’t come into it, and hopefully, I pressed the shutter button before my emotions kicked in.
24H7D, all the time I’m awake.
Where I live is where I shoot. I don’t go anywhere to shoot anything in particular.
So it’s usually my hometown in the suburbs of Tokyo, Shinjuku where I commute through to work, towns I go to for fun, or places I travel to with my family.
I can write any number of statements later, such as “Japan’s…”, “Tokyo…”, “Documentary of…”, “Special moment of…”, “People…” etc. However, I don’t aim for that. I just appreciate if someone enjoys or feels the meaning on my photos in the result.
My previous series, “Zebra The City,” was conceptualized and intended to be seen by people.
When I did that exhibition of that, I rapidly lost interest in this method. It was as if I was going out into the city to look for a “picture” in my thoughts, and the photography became just a search for puzzle pieces, which was no longer interesting.
After that, I had been thought about “What is the photograph for me” long time. Then I found, Again, I am not a person of note.
Photography is one of the most important ways for me to understand myself. It is a good way to access the depths of my being by looking back at the many photos that have been taken unconsciously and wondering why I took them, why I chose them, etc. I hope to access “Unknown self” in Johari window and to be “someone”. That’s why I take pictures so far.
So, I will continue to do this until the morning comes when I will not wake up.
以前撮っていた「Zebra The City」はコンセプトありきで、人に見てもらうことを前提としたシリーズでした。その展示をしたときに、急速にこの手法に興味がなくなりました。自分が考えた「絵」を探しに街に出かけているみたいで、撮影はただのパズルのピース探しに成り下がって面白くなくなったからです。
私にとって写真は自分を理解するための大切な一つの手段です。無意識で撮られた大量の写真を見返す中で、何故この写真を撮ったのか、何故この写真を選んだのか、などを考えることが、自分の深層にアクセスできる良い方法です。Johari windowでいうところのUnknown selfにアクセスし、someoneになれることを望んでいます。だから私は写真を撮るのです。