I am the witch’s daughter and the monster’s mother.
I am the evasive shadow chasing down lovers.
I am the restless wanderer, relentlessly searching for new adventures.
I am a child and a warrior who’s lived for 400 years or more, I am all-consuming water clearing fields of despair.
I am a peasant whose riches lie within.
I am my father’s wisdom and his ability to remain calm.
I decay and grow daily.
I am each of my contradictions.
I grew up in a large working class Midwestern family. My father the black sheep taught me not to follow or to lead but to walk alone to learn the most. He was the first person I ever saw taking photographs, that was how he felt like he could really see the world. He never called himself a photographer, which I find myself having a hard time doing as well, but like myself he didn’t go a day without taking at least one picture.
My mother once told me that I was a gypsy, that has affected me immensely. She said that my feet would always itch and my magic would never die, for that I will be forever grateful. With those words my mother both blessed and cursed me to my life on the road.
It has been my home, my inspiration, my struggle, and my undying love since 2012. When I convinced my children to come with me on an adventure that I thought might only last a year, that adventure has now been almost a decade long.
On our journey I’ve found myself taking pictures of the things that interest me, confuse and inspire me, that scare me…the things I want to investigate, to revisit and see again with new eyes. And the things I want to change and to let change me. Photography is a language that every viewer understands in their own native tongue.
Cameras are our time machines and photos are the ghost of now.
Intuition has led me to, and away from comfort zones. Instinctually, empathetically, I’ve given in to being a predator of time. I am the beast that needs to capture and devour the passing of the moment, and This is why I am Nada Todo.