Hi, I am David, born in 1984 and raised in Germany. Though I studied to become a teacher of Mathematics and Spanish, I instead joined my family business renovating homes.
I began taking pictures in 2006, trying to catch the “Decisive Moment”. When getting to know about some UP members as well as the book “Street photography Now” I got even more excited about photography. Being half Iranian I am honored to be an editor for the instagram account @streetphoto_iran, which, as the New York Times once stated, “offers an extraordinary curated trip through Iran both historical and contemporary”.
Everyday life and everything that interests me. Sometimes you capture the most absurd moments that you couldn’t have imagined before. In my twenties I used to shoot lots of concert photography as well.
Whenever I got time to stroll and mostly when the sun is out. My favorite day of the week is Saturday…since I don’t have to work and can concentrate on photography.
Most of the time in my current hometown, Düsseldorf, but also always on vacation. I get very excited visiting different cities, and going on vacation without taking photos doesn’t feel like a proper vacation anymore…it also makes it feel like a Saturday everyday!
Because it makes me happy and gives me a reason. A photography teacher at my university once told me that “Street photography and the decisive moment have hardly played a role, at least since the 1950s”. Well, I frankly don’t care and in fact it does! At least for me!