My name is Alexander Bronfer but everybody calls me just Bronfer. Born in the USSR and studied in St.Petersburg. After graduation I worked in Lithuania for several years and after that left for Israel. After my arrival I lived in kibbutz in South Israel where I fell in love with the Dead Sea region.
I started my education in art history but after a while decided to take a more predictable path for my career. I have an MSEE and Executive MBA from St. Petersburg University and Tel Aviv University, respectively but connection with art has followed me all my life. I have been photographing for many years but only during 2016 I felt that I could show something.
My concept of photography is finding connection between street and fine art photography. I am not trying to capture reality but my personal feeling of the scenes is. I very seldom try to “sneak shots” and in most cases I talk to people who appear in my frames before or after I push on a shutter and that session is very important to me.
Whenever I can. My camera is alway with me.
it does not matter much. To create a good frame you don’t need to fly somewhere. In most cases at least for me it is the opposite. I spent weeks filming on the Dead Sea over the last four years. I know the light and weather conditions may be as no one at that deepest point on the Earth and that knowledge gives me the opportunity to focus on photography even in the harshest weather conditions. That does not mean that I don’t like to travel. I do. In most cases I am doing long lasting projects mainly in East Europe.
What caused primitive people to paint on the wall of their caves? I think it is not different in my case.