I am a photographer who lives and works in Valencia, Spain. Trained in journalism and later as a member of the BlankPaper collective. I usually publish my work in the form of books and for some time I have been working with the Spanish publishing house Dalpine.
Luis López, one of my best friends, says about my work that “his photographic work focuses on the yearnings of the human being: the deep and universal longings of the citizen of the mass society, fighting against banality in an effort to transcend, confronting his own dignity with a medium always untrustworthy. To this end, he turns his eye to expressions of contemporary folklore, looking for the truth of the Spaniard: a townsman who is forced to live in the city, in modernity. Beyond a pop appearance distant and cynical he is interested in what is human and anthropological. Beyond the social and documentary, he searches for the truthful and universal pulsations beating beneath the banal surface often kitsch and lacking glamour of contemporary Spain.”
My work usually focuses on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, especially around my house in Torrent, Valencia.
In my case it´s related to the sun and since I live in Valencia, I work almost every day of the year. I am interested in the tension between sunlight and flash light when composing a photo, an important part of my interest has to do with this, with the way of representing reality through these two variables.
WHY? I think this question is the driving force of my routine, a question that is never fully clarified.